Sheffield Food Pantry Notice

A notice has been released by the Sheffield food pantry due to the current ongoing situation of Covid-19. 

Read more: Sheffield Food Pantry Notice

Sheffield Town Office Is Now Open

SHEFFIELD- The town Clerk has released a statement on their towns website April 22nd, 2020 that they have reopened their Town office. But even though they are now open, the office is taking necessary precautions to make sure everyone stays safe and healthy. 

Read more: Sheffield Town Office Is Now Open

Food Delivery For Those In Need

SHEFFIELD - Sheffield's Food Pantry will remain open, but be completely delivery for the time being during the Covid-19 pandemic. The food pantry remains open under its manager, Sara Camber, and more than a dozen volunteers.

Read more: Food Delivery For Those In Need

Sheffield Notice's

SHEFFIELD - The town of Sheffield released a number of notice's on Wednesday, March 18th, stating that due to the recent Coronavirus epidemic that the Sheffield select board has decided to shut down the town office until further notice.  The recycling building will also close. 

Read more: Sheffield Notice's

Wind Farms Expand In The United States

WIND psd

SHEFFIELD - With over 54 thousand turbines in the United States according to AWEA or they American Wind Energy Association. America is working on expanding its means of clean energy. By installing more systems such as wind turbines in places around the US. Places such as the windy town of Sheffield Vermont.

Read more: Wind Farms Expand In The United States

Sheffield Church Hosts Traditional Dinner

chickendinnerSHEFFEILD- Last night friends and family gathered around the dinner table for a traditional chicken pie dinner. The Sheffield Ladies Aid from the Federated Church have been putting this event for over 70 years. Kathy Newland a member of the ladies aid says, "Some of the ladies have been here a long, long time. I've been here 40 years."

Read more: Sheffield Church Hosts Traditional Dinner

Miller's Run Gets Furry Friends

chickenSHEFFIELD- 6th grade students at the Millers Run School are in the process of making some changes and renovations to their school. Principal Patrick Ham and four 6th grade students went down to Barnet in the fall to participate in the Vermont Rural Education Collaborative conference. Ham says, "they presented a lot of projects that other schools had done, and these guys decided they wanted to do a couple of things." One larger project  the students decided on was to build a chicken coop.

Read more: Miller's Run Gets Furry Friends

A Family Note

lydiaham edited-1SHEFFIELD- The Millers Run School has searched far and wide for a new music teacher. However little did they know that their musical savior was right their in front of their eyes the whole time.


Read more: A Family Note

FEMA in Sheffield

final sheffieldSHEFFIELD-A local town is getting some relief in the form of money after a road was washed out recently. 

Sheffield held a meeting last night to go over what the final decisions were from the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA). FEMA regards a potiential reimbursement of funds the town had to use to fix the damaged roadway.

Read more: FEMA in Sheffield

Flood Concerns Dominate Sheffield Meeting

sheffield planningSHEFFIELD - Flood plans were center stage at the latest Sheffield Planning Commission meeting.


Read more: Flood Concerns Dominate Sheffield Meeting

Total Loss in Sheffield

sheffield fire

SHEFFIELD- A two-alarm fire ripped through a home in Sheffield early this morning, leaving one family without a home.

Read more: Total Loss in Sheffield

Voters Approved Second Attempt at School Budget

Miller Run ThumbSHEFFIELD - Following Town Meeting Day’s school budget defeat, Wheelock and Sheffield voters have approved the Millers Run School budget after a second look.

Read more: Voters Approved Second Attempt at School Budget

Arraignment in O'Hagan Case

OHagan ChargesSHEFFIELD-  Friday three men were charged with first degree murder and kidnapping of the seventy- eight year old woman, Mary Pat O'Hagan. Yesterday two of the men were arraigned, Keith Baird and Richard Fletcher, both plead not guilty to first degree murder, kidnapping, and robbery.

Read more: Arraignment in O'Hagan Case

Three Charged With O'Hagan Murder

ohaganSHEFFIELD – A huge development in the murder of Mary Pat O'Hagan. O'Hagan was the 78-year-old Sheffield resident who was reported missing back in 2010. Her body was found in Wheelock nearly four weeks later.

Charged with her murder are Michael Norrie, 23, and his cousins, Richard Fletcher, 27, and Kevin Baird, 33. Fletcher and Baird are also brothers.

Read more: Three Charged With O'Hagan Murder

Sheffield Town Clerk Retiring

sheffield town clerkSHEFFIELD- While Town Meeting Day may be a step towards a new beginning for some, this year's Town Meeting Day means the end for one. After 30 years of working in the town office of Sheffield, Town Clerk, Kathy Newland, is retiring.

Read more: Sheffield Town Clerk Retiring

O'Hagan Playground

ohaganSHEFFIELD - The Miller’s Run Middle School has dedicated a new playground in memory of the late Mary Pat O’Hagan. Students and Community members gathered at the Sheffield middle school in late November to honor her memory.

Read more: O'Hagan Playground

Off the Grid

AlexSHEFFIELD- Deep in Sheffield, far off the beaten path you will find Scott Salmonsen working on his new home. But this house is far from conventional. His 14 by 14-two story cabin is completely self sustainable.


Read more: Off the Grid

Granting Friendly Fire

sheffieldfiretruckSHEFFIELD - The Sheffield-Wheelock Fire Department has received some assistance for payment on an upgraded firetruck. The United States Department of Agriculture has awarded a $20,000 grant for the refurbished tanker, a much-needed improvement over the station's current aging truck.

Read more: Granting Friendly Fire

Miller's Run Budget Concerns Continue

wheelock budgetWHEELOCK - Unified School District #37 services the towns of Wheelock and Sheffield and includes the Miller's Run School. On Town Meeting Day, both towns rejected the district's budget for the coming year, leaving UD #37 in quite the predicament.

Read more: Miller's Run Budget Concerns Continue

Wind Bill Altered, But Opinions Aren't

win billSHEFFIELD - As the legislation regarding wind farms works its way through the House and Senate, more changes are made to the bill.  The third reading of the bill is set for today in the Senate.  Those against the bill aren't thrilled with the changes.

Read more: Wind Bill Altered, But Opinions Aren't

Town Clerk Says Goodbye

sheffieldtownmeetingSHEFFIELD - Every year residents of Sheffield are busy preparing to vote on Town Meeting Day.

This year, one town official is making preparation of her own, preparations to say goodbye.

Read more: Town Clerk Says Goodbye

No Answers on Sheffield Post Office Hours

iteam post officeSHEFFIELD - Representatives from the United States Postal Service held a public meeting on the fate of the Post Office on Main Street a few weeks ago and since then, residents have not received any answers on why they're cutting the hours.

Read more: No Answers on Sheffield Post Office Hours

A Visit to the Sheffield Wind Farm

sheffield wind farm pic SHEFFIELD - The Sheffield wind farm hosted school children from around the area to get an up close view of the 16 turbines and how they operate.

After heavy debate the Sheffield Wind Farm broke ground during the summer of last year and has been in service for just over 6 months.

Read more: A Visit to the Sheffield Wind Farm

School Testing New Math Program

NEK School ClassroomSHEFFIELD - One third grade class at the Miller's Run School is a pioneer in a new learning technique that helps students with math.

Read more: School Testing New Math Program

Sheffield Teacher Recognized for Accomplishments

Patrick HammSHEFFIELD - One teacher has received a heritage award and has been named the teacher of the year by the Vermont Folk Life Center.

Read more: Sheffield Teacher Recognized for Accomplishments