SHEFFIELD - The Town of Sheffield has postponed their town meeting until May 16, 2023, after Governor Scott signed the passage of bill H42 in January. In May, Sheffield's Town Meeting will be held in person at the Town property at 37 Dane Road under a tent. However, they are voting on the school budget as part of the Kingdom East Unified Union School District on March 7, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Sheffield Town Office.
WHEELOCK - Town meeting day on March 7, 2023, voters in Wheelock will decide on twenty-one agenda articles and two by Australian ballot. The general fund budget is decreasing by 3062 dollars or 1.6 percent from the 2022 budget. The two articles up for a vote by Australian Ballot are Article 18, which adopts flood hazard regulations adequate for acceptance into the National Flood Insurance Program, and Article 19 is for 215 thousand dollars in bonds or notes to purchase a new 10-wheel dump truck.
PEACHAM- Peacham's town meeting was filled with witty banter between voters and board members. That is until the two million school budget was brought to the table.
More time was spent discussing this article than any other last Tuesday.
RYEGATE- The Town of Ryegate's $1,059,631 budget was approved by unanimous voice vote and without any resident questions or comments in a quick and upbeat town meeting this Tuesday. Most other items on the agenda were also passed unanimously, including the exemption of Blue Mountain Grange from paying non-school property taxes and all town officer elections.
BARNET- on town meeting day, barnet residents approved the town budget alongside the 22 other articles on the warning. The town budget now reflects a total amount of $1,580,072.86 after the town approved $50,0000 to be used by the towns five fire districts.
AROUND THE NEK - Big decisions will be made for the towns of Burke, Concord, Lunenburg, Lyndon, Newark, Sutton, Sheffield, and Wheelock on Town Meeting this year. That's because they will all be deciding whether or not their schools will be joining the Kingdom East School District, as a part of Vermont's proposed Act 46. The legislation is asking school districts to unify into one due to low enrollment and to better meet state goals. However, this is a slippery slope for a lot of community members in smaller towns, and the state has made the merge almost inevitable.
AROUND THE NEK - Lyndon's Town Meeting Day brought residents to voice their opinions on town issues and budgets.
NEW HAMPSHIRE- New Hampshire towns had their town meetings yesterday, where issues spanned from select board members to airports. Today, the results are in, with a vast approval rate.
SUTTON - With a difference of only 10 votes, Sutton's proposed school budget was declined. While 57 residents voted yes to the proposed budget, 67 voted no. Many believe that the buyout of the schools former principal had a strong impact on the decision.
DANVILLE - Budgets are on the rise for both the school and town as Danville goes into vote for todays Town Meeting.
ST. JOHNSBURY-Unlike past years, conversations about the St. Johnsbury school budget are running smoothly. The school board held an informational hearing last night to discuss the proposed budget.
LYNDON- As temperatures remain cold, Town Meeting Day in Lyndon is heating up. In addition to voting on the proposed budget for next year, taxpayers could be paying a few bucks more for the community pool in Powers Park.
BURKE- With Town Meeting Day set for tomorrow the town of Burke is having their annual informational meeting tonight.This year's proposed town budget did increase to $1,354,984.37 from last year's budget of $1,289,212.87.
SUTTON- Sutton residents will have a lot to think about at the polls tomorrow. They are facing a higher tax rate than in past years for several reasons.
LITTLETON, NH - The final voting results on Littleton's $1.2 million new DPW building request are going to be recounted.
"The votes did not quite make the 60%," said Littleton Selectwoman Marghie Seymour, reached by phone Wednesday morning.
LYNDON - The town of Lyndon had quite the variety of topics come up yesterday during it's annual town meeting. There were seven organizations that missed the deadline for special appropriations, and that caused some brouhaha amongst the towns people.
ST. JOHNSBURY- St. Johnsbury's proposed school budget of nearly sixteen million dollars was shot down. Superintendent Ranney Bledsoe says it's not the first time one of the town's proposed school budgets has failed.
ST. JOHNSBURY- Before polls opened in St. Johnsbury Tuesday morning residents got a chance to hear about the issues they'd be voting on. An informational meeting was held Monday night where residents were presented with the school budget totaling nearly sixteen million dollars.
DANVILLE- The town of Danville held their informational meeting on Monday night. The people of the town want their tax donations go somewhere local instead of being mandated by the state.
PEACHAM-For the fifth year in a row the town of Peacham has seen the combined total of their general and highway expenses on the decline.
This decline in taxes left many willing to pay in the name of charity.
NEW HAMPSHIRE - Woodsville, Haverhill, and Littleton have problems with their budgets after town meeting day.
CONCORD - After a record year for voter turn out, the results of Concord's town meeting day are in.