Twisted Skating

skatingLYNDON - The Fenton Chester Arena has opened its doors every Friday to beginner and advanced ice skaters. No matter your age everyone is welcome to join in on the fun.On March 9th each skater will be presenting his and her skills during the ice show called Twisted, which is being directed by three advanced skaters, Kaylee Murfy, Jennifer Layne, and Bonnie Kirchoff.

Jenn Layne believes this event will bring everyone in the community together. "It's a good thing for parents to get their kids involved in if they aren't doing dance or just to get them on the ice. Or for the community to come and see them because the teachers come and support their students and it's really just a community event." Layne has been teaching skating for numerous years, but has only spent 3 at the Fenton Arena. Layne says she loves teaching the beginners "I really enjoy telling them the reason why they are learning this and how it effects their body."

Along with beginners to the ice, Kaylee Murfy will also be new to her role. "This is the first time I'm coordinating this event" she says "so I am very excited this is my first show as skating director".  Kaylee started on the ice at just 4 years old and has skated in big competitions.She doesn't think a sense of community is what this event brings but a positive, fun activity for such a remote area. "I think it really brings everyone in together because there is not a lot to do around here you have the mountain and you have the rink so I think that it gives people something to do."

Murphy has asked a friend Dani Shepard to come up and participate in the event "she has competed in a couple countries. She is really good and is placed at the senior level," Murfy said adding "i'm really excited for her to come up and participate."

The show "Twisted" will be at the Fenton Chester arena on March 9th at 5pm. Admission is $5 per adult and $4 per student and there will be an open skate after until 8:45. For more information you can head to the Fenton Chester Arena website at