Mack Varnum Evidence Hearing

St Johnsbury - A kidnapping case is no laughing matter. Mack Varnum was in court again March 29th for an evidence hearing in regards to alleged kidnapping and attempted murder charges.

Varnum brought two witnesses with him, Shauna Larocque and Sonja Riendeau. To be approved for release from prison Varnum needed two court approved adults for 24  hour supervision, also known as condition 4. Both women testified to be the court approved adult, however both were denied. 

The case was overseen by Judge Justin P. Jiron, who was not very pleased with the attitude of Varnum, or his witnesses during the trial. Varnum had to be reminded of the seriousness of the charges by Judge Jrion, after an outburst of laughter. According to court documents Varnum is facing charges of kidnapping, attempted murder, aggravated domestic assault, aggravated assault and unlawful restraint in the first degree. 

During the testimony Larocque openly admitted to disliking the victim, Colleen Rodrigez, stating, “I don't like her.. At all.”  Larocque also spoke about how she had previously met Rodrigez years prior. According to Larocque, Rodrigez had stolen items from her home, however she says she did not press charges. 

Neither women have a job, car, license or stable place to live. Riendeau currently does not use drugs and Larocque is currently taking suboxone as part of a drug treatment plan. As part of Varnum's conditions drugs are not allowed in the home. These factors along with the women's attitudes towards the victim compelled Judge Jiron to deny the pair as Varnum's condition 4 supervision. According to Deputy State Defense Attorney Thomas Paul, “I didn't think those two candidates were, you know, appropriate. At all.” 

Due to not meeting condition 4 Varnum was not released. Bail had been set at $50,000 which he had posted. Varnum can bring new conditions to 4 candidates before the court for approval.