Keep Vermont Cool Visits St. Johnsbury

St.Johnsbury- This past Friday the climate action and advocacy campaign made their third stop in St. Johnsbury for their tour of Vermont.


The Kinddom taproom hosted the event. It was lead by Senator-elect Rebecca White and Keep Vermont Cool Campaign manager Jordan Heiden. They had special guests Representative Scott Campbell and Representive-elect Bobby Farlice-Rubio. They presented how vermont has been doing in the climate change efforts and bills that have been proposed to combat it. Finally they opened the floor to questions for the legislators.

"Our campaign aims to activate and engage and mobilize vermonters and elected leaders into doing more to take meaningful action here in the state," Keep Vermont Cool Campaign manager Jordan Heiden said.

" When we think about climate change its my generation and its the generations coming after me that are going to be the most critically impacted by climate change so this issue is both excptionally heavy for me because it impacts my future but i also have a lot of optimism in this," Senator Rebecca White said.

Their next event is in Burlington on Thursday...December 8th at 7:30pm... in the UVM Davis Center.