Solar Savings

solarpanelDANVILLE- A meeting that was held in the town of Danville could save residents money in the future. Danville Residents were encouraged to attend last night's meeting to discuss the topic of solar energy.


Energy prices are rising continuously. However, if resident choose to install solar panels in their homes, it could save them some of the amount of money they're already spending.

Tom Champlin, a Service Energy Broker from Real Goods Solar Energy, conducted a presentation highlighting the benefits of having solar panels installed in their own homes. Champlin also covered basic topic questions that would help residents feel more informed about the use of solar panels.

Champlin made sure to specifically touch the subject of how solar panels work. He also emphasized how much a household could save financially by switching over to solar panel energy.

Woody Starkweather, a Danville homeowner, spoke about his experience with solar panel energy in his home, "As soon as they went in, we were building up the credit. Then when the winter came, we started to have to pay a little bit, but I think the net effect was definitely an increase."

Within the past year, about half a dozen Danville households have chosen to switch over to solar panel energy by installing solar panels in their homes. Champlin adds, "We actually do have a lot of customers in the room tonight that have gone solar recently and are seeing zeroed out eletric bills."

Champlin, as well as others from Real Goods Solar Energy, believes that this number will keep rising, "We're hoping other folks will get excited and want to look into it for themselves."