LYNDON - Vince Illuzzi stopped by Lyndon State College to talk to News 7 reporter, Phil Alexander.
During his candidacy for State Auditor, Illuzzi is focusing his campaign on the idea of using tax payer dollars wisely.
"I would target those areas where I see inefficiency or failure, or essentially a waste in taxpayer dollars. (I would) try to figure out what the roots are, if there are any common themes, and then make recommendations to the agencies, departments, to the legislature, and to the administration on how those pitfalls can be avoided," said Illuzzi.
Illuzzi says his 32 years of experience in the State Legislature give him an advantage when it comes to understanding the terms of accounting and business.
Illuzzi believes this advantage puts him ahead of opponent, Doug Hoffer, who he says has little experience when it comes to understanding how the auditor role benefits specific departments within state government.
"You got to have a well-rounded education and experience in state government to really do the job effectively," said Illuzzi.
For Illuzzi's full interview you can click here, for Illuzzi's opponent Doug Hoffer's interview you can click here.