Lyndon Town Meeting

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lyndonLYNDON - The town of Lyndon faced many town meeting day decisions, most decided on by a simple hand raise.

One decision that was not so easy; whether or not to give money to the Fairbanks Museum.

Even the 2014 budget was passed with the hand raise style of voting. But, when it came to giving money to the Fairbanks Museum and Planitarium, that had to come to a paper ballot.

Lyndon resident Carol Fisher asked for the paper ballot on the grounds that this money did not go to the town of Lyndon. "I've asked for years that people be there to represent money that they asked for from Lyndon tax payers, especially orginizations that are not located in our town," Fisher said.

Fisher didn't stop there, she felt as though all important appropriations should have Australian ballot. She even made a petition to make sure that happens. "I have a petition out right now to put all Apportions on Australian ballot system," she said.